
The Advantages of Soft Water for Smoother Skin and Silkier Hair

When an old water softener finally stops working and the household doesn't replace it right away, they start noticing the problems that hard water causes. Lime scale starts to build up around the faucets. They have to use more shampoo and laundry detergent because hard water reduces soap's effectiveness. Water with a high content of dissolved minerals also can have unwanted effects on skin and hair. Soon, the household will be a customer of a company providing water softener replacement services. Soft Water for Hair Hard water can leave hair look dull and feeling less silky than it did with soft water. Much of this effect depends on the type of hair the person has. Those with coarse, thick hair tend to appreciate soft water to tame and soften the hair a bit. Soft water actually is a bit moisturizing. Anyone who has become accustomed to soft water will notice the difference once they no longer have it. They'll start checking water softener prices and make a plan to buy ...